Frequently Asked Questions

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What primary services do you offer?

talk therapy using CBT, REBT, SFBT, polyvagal theory and more.

Usui Reiki energy healing

Sound Therapy to balance energic frequences

Art Therapy

psychometric testing for: memory and learning (age 5-59) to evaluate general and specific memory functions

personality inventories to assess personality traits and assess mental health issues and pathologies.

intelligence scales for establishing IQ (age 2-85+)

What can you help me with?

- anxiety
- assertiveness
- bereavement
- couples counselling
- depression
- divorce
- erectile dysfunction
- ethical nonmonogamy
- existential angst
- first responders stress and trauma
- gender-affirming medical and surgical treatment support
- grief
- identity gap between sexual identity and sexual orientation
- infidelity
- intelligence and IQ assessments
- life transitions
- loneliness
- men's issues
- negative thinking
- nutrition
- oppression
- palliative counselling
- personality assessments
- polyamory
- premarital counselling
- pre open relationship counselling
- premature ejaculation
- relationships
- self esteem
- self-compassion
- self-concept
- setting boundaries
- sexuality
- shyness
- sleep hygiene
- stress

What are the rates of your services?

$220.00 for a 50 minute session
$330.00 for an 80 minute session

Extra charge of $35-50 for mobile therapy/house calls/exposure therapy that requires travel, etc.

Services are covered by most insurance providers, and direct billing is possible, depending on your provider.

Rates vary for psychometric test administration, assessment, and reporting.  Please ask.

What are your policies for bookings, cancellations, and no-shows?

You need to provide a valid credit card  to book an appointment in the Jane app.  If you don't have a credit card, please contact me to arrange an e-transfer before booking.
E-transfers can be sent to

There is no charge for cancelling an appointment as long as you do so with more than 24 hours notice (but please do give more notice if possible).

You will be charged 50% of your session if you give less than 24 hours notice or if you don't show up.
If it happens a second time, you may be charged 100% of your session.

Tip: if you have a sudden change of plans and can't  come in, switch to an on-line appointment so you don't pay the no-show fee.  Just make sure you have somewhere private for the online session (even if it's in your car).

What if we don't click?

If, after the first session (or any session for that matter), you don't feel like I'm the right therapist for you, the best thing to do is ask me to refer you to another therapist.  
I know that not everyone likes the same therapist, just like we don't all like the same music or ice cream....and we wouldn't want that.  It would be so boring...think of all the Ben & Jerry ice cream flavors that wouldn't exist!
I would rather know that you want a different therapist and help you find the right one than have you just stop coming and not try again with someone better suited to you.

I am most often described as warm, gentle, welcoming, playful, inquisitive and open-minded.

If I feel like I can't help you (maybe you present an issue that I've never worked with before and I don't feel competent), I will inform you and help you find someone with the right experience.

What is Usui Reiki?

Usui Reiki is an ancient Japanese form of spiritual practice used for physical, emotional and mental healing.  It is used to manage symptoms and improve well-being.

I am a certified Usui Reiki Master and Teacher.

You will lay down comfortably face-up or face-down and relax.  I will place my hands either directly on you, touching you lightly or just above you (your choice) and move my hands around to stimulate energy and unblock areas where the energy is stagnant.  You might feel sensations like warmth or tingling, or visualize colors, or recall lost memories.  Try to allow without holding on to the sensations.  

Dress comfortably so you don't feel restricted laying down and relaxing.

After reiki, you may feel peaceful and relaxed, or perhaps energized.  

Reiki may reduce pain, anxiety, depression and fatigue.  It has shown to be as effective as physiotherapy for lower back pain.
It can improve sleep patterns, self-confidence, calmness, inner peace and relaxation.
It is also used to treat headache, tension, insomnia and nausea.

Reiki is non-invasive and has no known side effects.

What is sound healing?

Sound healing is one of the most ancient and universal healing methods and is still used today, with more and more science supporting it's effectiveness.   With so many ways to use sound to entrain our unique frequencies, I focus on a few of my favorites, including our voices (chanting, mantras), singing bowl, tuning forks, drumming, and foley instruments.  Our bodies have so many frequencies inside us from our heart beats, breath, and all the other processes and they can be easily disturbed and out of sync.  Using the vibrations of sound can bring us back to harmony and a feeling of wellness.  Curious?  We can spend just a couple minutes playing with sonic nutrition, or spend half an hour in a sound bath.

Art therapy?  But I'm not an artist!

No artistic skill needed.  In fact, having artistic talents can get in the way of the process of creating for the sake of healing and revealing.  We're not creating art to look amazing: we're creating it to discover what it is telling us, and to have a keepsake if you choose to keep it to encourage you to keep exploring.
If you're curious, we can try some quick and easy ways to use art to allow ourselves unconscious expression.

What is your theoretical approach?

My  approach integrates a combination of theories, depending on your needs, and focusing mostly on the following:

existential therapy: focusing on choice, freedom and responsibility within the context of a high quality relationship between client and therapist.

person-centered therapy: based on your subjective experiences, having faith in your ability for and interest in personal growth.

gestalt therapy:
working with what is, in a holistic manner, accepting the parts of ourselves that we've tried to deny.   Integrating body and mind.

cognitive behavioral therapy:
focusing on how thinking influences feelings and behaviors.

rational emotive behavior therapy:
recognizing thinking and belief systems as the root of our personal problems.

postmodern theory:
recognizing that reality is socially constructed through our interactions and there is no single truth.

What is your EDI philosophy?

Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity is something I want to draw your attention to because it's a priority in my private and professional life.  If you know me, you'll understand why I call my business öne love counselling''....because we are all one people, connected in our humanity.  At one love, your uniqueness will be honored.
Anyone facing stigma, underrepresentation, or oppression is warmly welcome.  My space is a safe space.  Your story is worth telling.  Your voice needs to be heard.  You're worth it.

Wheelchair accessible office and washroom, with a wheelchair ramp at the back of the building.
Please know that my Monday sessions are upstairs so if stairs are an issue, please book any other day.  I'm on the main floor every day except Mondays.

Which insurance companies can you direct bill?

So far, I'm approved to direct bill the following.  If you don't see your insurer on this list, contact me and I'll try to get set up with them.

- Alberta Blue Cross
- Beneva/SSQ
- Canada Life/Great-West Life
- Desjardins
- Equitable Life of Canada
- First Canadian Health
- Green Shield Canada
- Manulife
- telus eClaims
- Medavie Blue Cross

Can you refer me to a specialist?

Yes.  If you need to be referred to a psychiatrist or other specialist, I have a PracID and can make that referral for you.

I can refer you for ketamine treatment if you are suffering from depression and meet the criteria.

Are you licensed and insured?

Yes and yes! 

I am licensed and in good standing with the College of Alberta Psychologists and also with the Ministry of Health in Barbados.

I am insured through BMS

Do you offer mobile therapy?

Contact me by email to explore this option, which may be available for some individuals who cannot come to the office, or for situations when we need to meet in public spaces (such as may be required in exposure therapy). 
Extra charges apply.

Do you have a sliding scale?

Sometimes I can offer a sliding scale.  This is determined based on a few factors, such as if an ongoing client has a drastic change in their financial situation while we're knee-deep in their story and we don't want to lose momentum, but I also need to consider if my case load of sliding scale clients is at capacity, in which case there would be a waiting list for sliding scale fees.
Email me if you need this option.

Are you LGBTQIA2S+ affirming? Kink affirming?  Poly affirming?

I started studying queer theory back in my undergraduate years, and I continue to learn because terminology, politics and issues are always evolving.
I realize that different demographics have different reactions to the words we use, including 'queer', which is embraced by younger generations and offensive to older generations.
If I misstep and say something you don't like, I hope you'll correct me.
The most recent courses I've taken (2024)  in these areas are:

Fundamentals of LGBTQIA2S+ Affirmative Therapy.
Supporting Clients Coming Out in Midlife and Beyond.
The Psychological Impact of Suppressing Kink Identity.
Gender-Affirming Medical and Surgical Treatment: what therapists need to know.

I've also taken five courses on Polyamory, including best theoretical models in therapy, and the healing power of open relationships.

Should I be formal when I come for my session?

Nope.  Unless you love formal.  I want you to wear whatever is comfortable for you, whether it's baggy old sweatpants or something glamorous, just be yourself.

Same goes for how you communicate.  This isn't a job interview.  Some of my clients like to swear, and that's okay too.

What if my problems aren't that big of a deal?

If you want to come see me, please come!
It doesn't matter whether your issues are huge or tiny...even small problems can interfere with your quality of life.
And besides, you might have a minor concern that you really want to talk about just to have someone listen to you but it's not the kind of thing you want to share with your friends or family.  That's a great reason to see a therapist.
I will never judge you for coming in with a minor concern, or just to be able to talk in confidence.
Some clients come in and aren't really sure why they're here.  That's okay too.