I'm a Registered Psychologist in Alberta and in Barbados.   I'm also authorized to provide telehealth to clients in Nova Scotia.   I have provided counselling in schools, clinics, institutions and in private practice.  Private practice is my favorite.

I've worked with clients from diverse countries, cultures, and ethnicities and am myself a multinational, having lived in four different countries so far.  One thing I've learned is that, no matter how different we are, we tend to have the same basic needs at our core, even though our experiences are unique.

Let's talk about 'isms'.   I am absolutely here for you if you're experiencing any isms.   I'm talking about racism, sexism, ageism, classism, sizeism, ableism, heterosexism, etc.  

I wholeheartedly welcome clients who identify as LGBTQIA2S+.
I keep updating my education in trans-affirming therapy, working with polyamorous clients, and more.

My personal and professional approach is holistic.  Wellness includes physical, mental, social, occupational, spiritual , sexual and eco-wellness.
A disturbance is any of these areas can have a ripple effect on the others.  

As your therapist, I consider myself a participant in your evolving story.  As a participant, I honor our unique, professional relationship and am committed to your well-being, comfort and trust.  

I want you to feel welcomed without judgment in an atmosphere that feels safe and supportive.

See my FAQ page for more info

I've started blogging about issues relevant to therapy